Edgeware End to End-Solution Small Cell with Outdoor UPS Enclosure Power Backup and Network

Edgeware has the ability to provide customers with an End to End solution. Edgeware itself has a strong network solution and outdoor power solution. At the same time, we are also very flexible and happy to help customers integrate products of different brands to form a comprehensive end to end solution. This video introduces you to Edgeware’s typical small cell End to End solution. In this solution, with 4G small cell as the core, plus various customized Outdoor UPS enclosure power back solutions from Edgeware, plus our own network solution and mikrotik’s 60GHz wireless solution, we can help customers to provide the whole scene from the whole. product. Among them, we also specially designed an outdoor UPS enclosure power backup for the 4G small cell scenario. The minimum power of 500W and the maximum 2.5KW power exactly matches the power requirements of the minimum single sector and maximum 3 sectors of the 4G small cell.
